Reset envisions a world where adults feel permission to just play and here’s why I made this vision my mission:
In 2019, I took a year off from work and a year on for life.
Practically, I needed to rest. Romantically, I wanted an adventure. Philosophically, I was curios what would happen if over-indexed on life (instead of work).
It was an incredible gift and indeed a lot happened. Some highlights include: exploring my Indian ancestry, quality time with quality humans, the Larry OB run, doing nothing, struggling with doing nothing, existential chaos around my identities, a parenting pilot, playing, sleeping, reflecting, making art and silently meditating for ten days.
Reset’s vision is inspired by our belief that most people don’t feel they have permission to just play and that collective joy requires justice.
Reset is a social enterprise that began its journey in 2015 when we hosted the inaugural Camp Reset. The idea was to create a digital detox summer camp for adults outside the city to help address our increasing disconnection. The experience was beyond our most whimsical dreams.
I knew Reset had shifted me, but throughout my year on reflections, I put together just how big and surprising that shift had been. It helped me address my addiction to technology, discover the power of presence and reintroduce me to play, which I learned was an incredible tool for connection, learning and healing. It helped me widen my spectrum of emotions and feel emotions that I never felt before. It was also the space through which I learned the most about justice, especially given how differently each person experienced our playgrounds, given their respective identities.
So as my year on came to an end, I made a commitment to volunteer my time (Reset has always existed via volunteer labour) and help organize an annual Reset for the next decade. It clearly did something for me and I hoped it would do the same for those who attended. A small team of us were a week away from announcing the dates for Reset 2020—then the pandemic happened and, like so many other things, we begrudgingly cancelled camp.
Relative to the collective experience, cancelling camp was not a big loss. Truthfully, it was far from the biggest challenge in my life.
But as the isolation wore me down and my mental health began to suffer, I began thinking more and more about Reset. I wondered what role an organization centred on connection had at a time of mass disconnection. I thought a lot about how our experiences with isolation, loneliness and polarization were considered an epidemic pre-pandemic and how, during the pandemic, it felt as if I was dying from disconnection. I began to feel that without intentional action, my own social recession would become a depression and I wondered how much my personal experience mirrored the experience of others.
As this curiosity became louder, I left my job in the fall of 2020 so that I could explore what “doing Reset full-time” might look like. I did not know exactly what that meant but felt more passion than I had ever felt before. It’s an incredible privilege to have done this, and I want to acknowledge my immediate community for encouraging and enabling me to take this leap so that we could develop a vision for Reset and a plan to bring it to life.
In the summer of 2021, Reset launched the Pop-Up Playground, or PUP for short. The PUP was an audio experience created by +80 artists, researchers, psychologists, designers and volunteers who were collectively trying to answer the question, “How might we create a safe experience for strangers to play with each other?” The playgrounds incorporated dance, improv, mindfulness and more into a guided audio experience that we hosted over 50 times in 2021 across parks and public spaces in Toronto.
The success of the playgrounds, coupled with the research conducted with those who attended them, have led to our next two initiatives in the city. The Reset Retreat Centre is a pilot from February to August 2022 that is an experiment around community, connection and collective joy aimed at supporting our social recovery from the pandemic.
The Centre is a phone-free and work-free space. You can hang out in the lounge or just play via our daily programming.
After 1096 days of missing, yearning, and craving - CAMP RESET IS BACK and will be hosted at Camp Walden, which is located east of Bancroft, Ontario. Stretching out over 750 acres, it has two private lakes for swimming, sailing and canoeing, and is surrounded by woodlands. Also, they do not have cell reception. Magic, eh?
Camp Reset 2022 will be from September 15th - 18th, 2022 and we’ll send out an email in early summer with ticket info. Sign up for our newsletter if you haven't already and be the first to know when tickets are released in early summer!